CALL US: +603-3323 4833 /+603-3323 4933

RCS Agri Supplies Sdn. Bhd., had a humble beginning on July 1st, 2012. It started from a dream of its founders that saw infinite knowledge, technology and innovation can be effectively moulded to form the backbone of a business which is capable of providing high-end inputs and services, at the same time advancing those business tools for future needs.

Corporate Info

Principle Activities

To procure and put on the market various types of organic, inorganic fertilizers and various agricultural products to diverse clients in Malaysia.

Currently, RCS Agri Supplies has a wide range of clientele in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia and other S.E. Asia countries.

Mission & Vision

Our Value

RCS places a high emphasis on customer orientation to comprehend the demands of its various clients and provide them with a wide range of services to help them maximise yield to their crops, which further enhances value creation.

RCS Agri Clients & Partners


  • Malaysia- Semenanjung, Kuching, Sandakan
  • Indonesia- Medan, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Riau, Palembang, Kalimantan Tengah/Selatan, Markasar Sulawesi, Papua Barat.
  • Thailand
  • Cambodia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Vietnam
  • India


  • Indonesia- Medan, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Riau, Palembang, Kalimantan Tengah/Selatan, Markasar Sulawesi, Papua Barat
  • Cuba
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand